Best Colors For Billboard Printing

  • Posted by John Anderson
  • at 00:51 -

With time, technology grows and carries new thoughts to the market. Advanced technology not limited to the paper print, these can be directly printed from the computer and do not require any intermediate medium such as negatives or photo plates.

Grabbing customer attention and push promotions are major motives in competitive markets. A competitive business wants to get attention and the public's interest. Without good marketing tools, your business is as good as toast. 

One effective way to gain interest is full color posters. It will enhance the appearance of prints and attract people. Full color poster printing is inexpensive and can produce large quantities of posters.
Before any design, layout, or catchy phrase, it is the color that catches people’s attention first. Perfect color combinations adorn the feeling of advertisement material. Here are some quick tips to help you with colors:

• Choose a light background.

Light background makes the text more visible, more evident and makes them easy to read. More clear text attracts audience. It gives perfect feel to the advertisement. Dark backgrounds distract the audience.

• Limit the colors to two or three.

Limited numbers of color give proper look to the posters. Two to three colors is okay for the posters. It will help you to convey the right message to your target audience. Don’t overuse colors. In fact, monochromatic posters present a more balanced effect.

• Check the color wheel.

Perfect color combination is essential for printing posters. Make good selection and give different look to your advertisements. An attractive poster has always something to do with good color combinations. A color wheel will guide you to create one. Color wheel will make good color contrasts. Or, you could opt to use adjacent colors to maintain a consistent scheme. This will make your design look uniformed.


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